Swami Sukhabodhananda | Thursday, March 15, 2012
Article from DNA
Man is his life. Our lives are series of experiences. As is the experience, so is life. If a person’s experiences are unhappy, his life is unhappy and vice versa.
A single day in one’s life is a small replica of one’s whole life. If man is unable to work towards change for even a day in his life, then he will not be able to change his life. To change his life, he has to change every moment... every day. If he does not change but says he is working on changing himself, then it is just a figment of his imagination.
To change one’s life, one has to observe. Observe one’s body, mind, feelings, values, and observe as to how one responds to the various situations in life. But if one gives excuses of changing from tomorrow, then one will never work on changing today, but only postpone it to tomorrow. This is one of the gravest diseases in spirituality.
In order to truly work on changing oneself, one has to define one’s work. The field of one’s work is today.
How do you know that you are working on the process of changing yourself? The true quality of work is to observe your reactions to the situations in life. Are you reacting or responding to situations? If you are reacting to a situation, then the situation is controlling you, but if you are responding to it, then your commitment is guiding you.
For instance, when someone scolds you and you react, then the situation is controlling you but if you pause and observe your behaviour or question whether you should remain quiet or ignore him or answer him back….then you are bringing your ‘presence,’ your conscious ‘presence’ to the situation. This is a response. True responsibility is the ability to respond.
Managing Life Creatively is a two-day session conducted by Swami Sukhabodhananda in Bangalore. Interaction will focus on shifting from foggy thinking to clear thinking, from frozen feeling to flowing feeling, and meditations guiding one to discover peaceful and restful centres. For more information, call 4153 5835, 99017 77006, or visit www.prasannatrust.org
Article from DNA